About this project

The Urban Project came from a desire to record the mundane yet subtly beautiful details I noticed    whilst walking around the  streets of Sydney in the first years of my residence in Australia.

Coming from Europe, I found that I missed a certain charm that cities built over hundreds of years possess, as well as the layers of age that they accumulate during these years.

Surry Hills and other, older parts of Sydney offered me that kind of familiarity, with the added surprise of touch of lush vegetation that delight me in their exoticism and variety - from the lace-like, glossy leaves of a monstera plant, to the extravagant texture of a paperbark trunk.

The rows of terrace houses and numerous, somehow unkempt, backstreets have become a photographic hunting ground,  a place where time-worn textures, understated colors and random shapes come together in my viewfinder in many unexpected ways.

© 2012 Brigitte Marlot. All Rights Reserved.